You May Be Setting Your 'Goals' All Wrong

It dawned on me a few months ago that I had been setting my New Years Goals all wrong....

....I had been setting Achievement Goals. You know the ones that you hit and then move on with life and forget why you set that goal in the first place.

A great example an Achievement Goals is my 2015 goal of running (or slow trotting) a Half Marathon. Great goal with LOTS of problem-o's.

First, I didn't set up a Due Date... all I had to do was run 13.1 miles at SOME point in the year.

      Guess when I ran my Half Marathon.... you guessed it, IN DECEMBER!!!!!!!!!!! (my procrastination was on point)

Secondly, I didn't have a follow-up goal to ensure that I continued 'trotting' in some Way Shape or Form.

     I, legit, didn't RUN again until June the following year. YIKES!!!

So I decided that going forward I would not set 'Achievement Goals'.....I would set my goals as Lifestyle, habit forming, Goals.

Try it!!!

instead of Lose 25 Pounds this year............

     ...............try 'Maintain a Healthy Weight Range of 142 - 150......

instead of Run a Half Marathon............

     ..............try 'Move my Body FIVE times per week for at Least :30 minutes (how creative can I get).............

instead of Fall Back in Love with My Job..........

     ..............try 'Explore the reasons why I love my occupation and work to spend more time doing those tasks............

This year I am taking my Lifestyle Goals slow and steady, Month by Month.

My January Lifestyle Goals are Sips, Steps and Smoothies:

  • 64oz of water daily
  • green smoothie breakfast
  • 10k steps/day

The idea.... to carry these baby goals over monthly and add more as the year goes on.

