My Love for Motorcycles

I am literally writing this post riding behind the hubs, going 70 mph down I-82, on a Harley Ultra Classic, heading for home. We just spend an amazing weekend in Prosser, WA wine tasting and laughing with friends. 


Tom and I don't own a bike, we rent whenever the opportunity arises to take a kick ass trip with friends. We are basically step-brothers and sisters to the Biker Community.....and we are always made to feel welcome. 


I love lots of things about riding with Tom on a bike and I must say the the Community aspect is hands down my favorite. 


💥 When bikers pass each other on the road they always give the secret biker wave. (I think moms should hav a super secret wave, like I feel ya sister) 


💥 At any pit stop along the trip bikers always park next to each other. The pack seems to like to stick together. 


💥 Conversation is easily struck up between strangers....its legit the easiest way into any dialog. 


Other Harley Favorites of Mine:


💕 The smells...riding outside you smell everything. The fresh cut hay, the alfalfa growing, the dairy farms, the quiet lake, the fresh pavement.....even the nasty skunks. There is just something about smelling the scenary as well as seeing it. 


💕 The temperature can feel the weather change from warm to cool on your exposed cheeks. Riding in the sun has a distinctly different feel than riding through the shade of the trees. There is something free about noticing the little weather changes. 


💕 The scenary......noticing the little things.  Butterflies playing, birds dancing, rainbows made by the field sprinkles, all the things we don't notice in a car. 


💕 Riding so close to Tom.....hours sitting together experiencing this moment together. 

